
Is your family office reaching its full potential?

How to unlock the value of your people, 流程, 技术 和数据

家庭办公室 services


家族办公室仍然是超高净值个人和家族管理资产、支持家族目标和遗产的首选方式. But today the existing 14,000+ family offices across the globe are facing new challenges and complexities, 这引发了人们的担忧,即它们的运营模式是否提供了今天取得成功所需的透明度和效率,同时又为明天提供了足够的灵活性.

Rather than being reactive, 领先的家族办公室专注于卓越的运营,以实现家族的目标. By assessing and creating roadmaps around people, 过程, 技术, 和数据, leading family offices can have an organization that truly delivers the control, 灵活性, and visibility needed to meet their needs.

Four pillars of operational excellence

People, Process, 技术 and Data

The time is now for operational change

运营模式是家族办公室如何组织其vwin娱乐场官方和能力以在家族办公室内部和整个企业中创造协同效应的战略路线图, including the family’s operating businesses and investment structure.

There are great risks when relying on outdated models, 手动流程, 当试图满足家庭复杂的财务需求和投资以及管理未来变化时,非整合的技术. Effective planning strategies are successful when the four pillars of people, 流程, 技术和数据的优化和同步,真正将您的家族办公室转变为一个敏捷和高效的组织,推动家族的发展.

People: The most important asset of every family office



家族理财室还面临人才库紧张的问题,这需要采取新的策略来吸引和留住拥有专业知识和技能的员工. 同时, key personnel spend significant time on completing manual, 冗余进程, which often require additional or unnecessary resources.

缩小人才差距,让人们担任合适的角色,是家族理财室的头等大事, with careful thought given to diverse staffing approaches, including in-house talent and outsourcing.

People: Questions for family offices

  • 我们是否有具备高技术和数字能力的合适人选来推动价值?
  • 我们是否在竞争激烈的就业vwin娱乐场官方中吸引、发展和激励我们的人才?  
  • Are the right advisors seated at the table; if not, what are the ideal candidates for key roles? 

Process: The blueprint for how work gets done

At what cost to productivity and value creation?

From a heavy reliance on excel spreadsheets to manual data entry, inefficient 流程 are found in everyday operations. 

低效的手工流程可能导致错误和劳动密集型的员工限制. With re-designed and optimized 流程 with clear controls, 你会节省时间, 提高合规, reduce risk and costs, and enhance employee performance.   

Process: Questions for family offices

  • Do we have standardized and efficient 流程 and performance metrics? 
  • 哪些潜在的问题和关键的风险因素将有助于我们为精简流程的未来路线图提供信息? 
  • 关键利益相关者是否参与变革,以使家族办公室的举措与家族目标保持一致? 

技术: The engine that powers the enterprise

Where are the real savings?

Many family offices rely on legacy 技术 systems that are disconnected, outdated and ineffective in running a modern enterprise. In addition to being inefficient, 老化的系统更容易受到网络安全风险的影响,并且通常比更新的系统需要更多的维护. Where are the real savings?

Embracing 技术 doesn’t have to disrupt the family enterprise. Change management can help ease the transition, starting with enhanced, 跨企业技术,从而在更健壮的集成体系结构中产生准确和及时的报告.   

技术: Questions for family offices

  • 我们如何在减少对多种非集成技术的依赖的同时增加可见性和洞察力? 
  • What are key opportunities to design a future-state 技术 roadmap? 
  • What are the biggest challenges to going digital? 

Data: The key to confident decision-making

What impact could this have on business and investment decisions?

The fragmentation of data is a challenge for many family offices. 家族办公室经常从不同来源获取的数据越多,存储在孤立的地方的数据就越多, the harder it becomes to access that data and maximize its usage. 


Data: Questions for family offices

  • 提取数据以提供准确、实时的报告有多容易(或困难)?
  • How is data being used to support strategic planning?
  • What is the risk of a data breach and is there a cybersecurity plan in place? 

Next steps for future-proofing the family enterprise

可以理解的是,看到一个新时代的展开,对家族理财室提出了许多考虑——最重要的是, how to grow and mature the family enterprise to sustain multigenerational success. An operating model is a fundamental driver of a family office’s strategic road map for the enterprise; however, 如果传统方法不能适应快速发展的世界,它的用处就会减弱.

专注于卓越的运营,并引进合适的人才, 流程, 技术和数据可能是家族办公室实现其长期目标的关键.

Quarterly webcast series

加入我们以家族办公室的卓越运营为中心的四部分网络广播系列. 这个免费的cpe认证项目提供了独特的见解和策略,帮助家族办公室适应和规划长期影响. 

Family Office 的见解

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